How do I create a pre-requisite with courses
The How Do I Create a Pre-Requisite with Courses Training Brick explains how Experts and Client Admins can set pre-requisites for courses on the SLOCOACH platform. This feature ensures that participants complete foundational content before progressing to advanced sessions, creating a structured and effective learning pathway.
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Suggested Next Steps:
How to Create an Invite-Only 'Interactive Course': Learn how to structure exclusive learning experiences for targeted groups.
How to Set Up a Profile Subscription: Learn how to configure and manage profile subscriptions with ease.
How do I link a pre-requisite to a course?
Use the course settings to select a pre-requisite course and ensure it’s completed before access to the next course is granted.
Can participants skip pre-requisites?
No, participants must complete the pre-requisite content to unlock access to subsequent courses.